SMART Pathway

The SMART Pathway/Great Redwood Trail
The SMART Pathway/Great Redwood Trail provides first and last-mile connections to SMART Rail Stations and offers a dedicated facility for people to walk, bike, and roll safely within and between communities. Through the passage of Senate Bill (SB) 69 in 2021, the SMART Pathway officially became designated as the southern portion of the Great Redwood Trail. Once complete, the Great Redwood Trail will be a 307-mile multiuse path connecting California’s San Francisco and Humboldt Bays. For more information about the Great Redwood Trail, please find their website here.
To date, SMART along with partner agencies have constructed over 28 miles of pathway, of which approximately 21 miles are Class I SMART Pathway/Great Redwood Trail within and along the railroad right-of-way. Additionally, SMART is completing several sections of pathway in Sonoma and Marin Counties.
For more on the status of the pathway, please see the June 2023 Pathway Update presented to the SMART Board of Directors here.
Pathway Segments in Construction | Length | Expected Completion |
McInnis Parkway to Smith Ranch Road in San Rafael | 0.9 miles | Now open |
South Point Boulevard to Main Street between Petaluma and Penngrove | 2.9 miles | Spring 2025 |
Golf Course Drive to Bellevue Avenue between Rohnert Park and Santa Rosa | 2.8 miles | Spring 2025 |
Airport Boulevard to Windsor Road between northern Santa Rosa and Windsor | 2.6 miles | Spring 2025 |
Pathway Wayfinding Plan
SMART is developing a Pathway Wayfinding Plan that will include signage for the multi-use bicycle and pedestrian pathway, which connects communities to SMART rail stations and other destinations. Learn more.
Interactive Pathway Map
New maps with improved legibility and updated information on the status of the SMART Pathway are available in two formats: printable maps in PDF format (see links below) and the online interactive map shown below.
Printable Pathway Maps
Windsor to Sonoma County Airport Station
Sonoma County Airport Station to Santa Rosa
The SMART Pathway maps are formatted to be printed as large as 11” x 17” (Ledger size).
Additional Information about the Pathway Map
The SMART Pathway map is meant to be a reference document for the community get information on the status and location of different pathway segments related to the SMART Pathway alignment. It is not meant to be a live navigation tool or a comprehensive map of all pathways along the SMART corridor. For these maps, we recommend those created and sold by the Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition (SCBC) and the Marin County Bicycle Coalition (MCBC).
For trip planning and navigation purposes, we recommend using Google or Apple Maps, or a sports mobile app like Strava. Our Planning department works with Google and Apple Maps to ensure our routes are accurately depicted.
The SMART Pathway shapefile is available for use by other jurisdictions. For a copy of the shapefile, please contact the Assistant Planner at (707) 794-3079.
The color scheme adopted for the Pathway Map is based on showing two systems: The SMART alignment as envisioned and what currently exists between SMART and existing City/County bicycle facilities. Each of these two systems has four categories each. With this many variations, the color palette can become large and look more like a wiring diagram. SMART’s current color palette is based on a continuum running from cooler temperatures for less automobile interaction to warmer temperatures for more automobile interaction, while still differentiating the two systems. As the maps evolve over time, so too will the color palette.
The routes labeled “City/County Gap Closure” were selected using the following criteria:
- Routes are roughly parallel to the SMART Pathway alignment
- Routes are officially designated/labeled as a bicycle route by the local jurisdiction, with clear street markings if Class II or Class III
- If Class II, III, or IV, routes have lanes in both directions
- Preference for a single, straight route over multiple turns.