Board of Directors

Board of Directors

The Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) District Board of Directors, established in 2002, is governed by a 12-member Board consisting of elected officials appointed as specified by AB 2224: two county supervisors each from Marin and Sonoma counties, three appointed City Council members from each county and two representatives from the Golden Gate Bridge District. 

The SMART District is charged with planning, engineering, evaluating and implementing passenger train service and corridor maintenance from Cloverdale to Larkspur.

To view information on SMART Board Member compensation, click here.

SMART Board of Directors


Chris Coursey, Chair
Sonoma County Board of Supervisors
Phone: 707-565-2241

Sonoma County Supervisor Chris Coursey had a 30-year career in journalism before he turned to public service in 2007.

A long-time news columnist for The Press Democrat, he became spokesman for the SMART rail district in 2007, helping the commuter train project win the support of nearly 70 percent of Sonoma and Marin county voters in 2008.

He was elected to the Santa Rosa City Council in 2014. He served as vice-mayor of the city in 2015 and was chosen by his colleagues to serve as mayor at the end of 2016.

As mayor he was tested by one of the most devastating wildfires in California history. The Tubbs Fire and other blazes in October 2017 killed 22 people and burned more than 5,300 homes in Sonoma County, including more than 3,000 homes in Santa Rosa. Coursey spent the bulk of his two-year term leading the recovery, working closely with his elected colleagues at the county, state and federal levels and providing a caring, empathetic presence for fire victims and the many other residents traumatized by the disaster. His term ended in December 2018.

He was elected 3rd District Supervisor in March 2020 and took office in January 2021.

Chris has four adult children, three of whom live in Sonoma County, and three grandchildren.


Mary Sackett, Vice Chair
Marin County Board of Supervisors
Phone: 415-473-7331

Mary Sackett was elected to her first term on the Marin County Board of Supervisors representing District 1 and took office in December 2022. District 1 covers Lucas Valley and Marinwood and extends south to 4th Street and east to Pt. San Pedro Road. Mary is committed to closing gaps in our multi-modal transportation system and also serves on the Transportation Authority of Marin Board of Commissioners, the Marin Transit Board of Directors, and the Great Redwood Trail Agency. She has a B.A. from the University of Iowa in Geography and a J.D. from West Virginia University. Mary and her family have resided in Terra Linda since 2002.


Janice Cader Thompson
Sonoma County Mayors' and Councilmembers' Association

Janice Cader Thompson is a dedicated public servant who was elected to the Petaluma City Council in 2022. She actively serves on several key boards and committees, including the Executive Board for the Sonoma County Transportation Authority (SCTA), the League of California Cities, and the Petaluma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Board. Her experience also includes serving as a former planning commissioner and as a member of Petaluma's General Plan Committee.

Janice has long been an advocate for sustainable development, and her early support for initiatives like the Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) and Petaluma's first Urban Growth Boundary Initiative highlight her commitment to responsible growth and preserving the community's rural character.

Raised on a chicken farm in Petaluma, Janice has deep roots in the area. She and her husband Jerry are proud parents of three adult daughters and six grandchildren, making family a central part of her life and work.


Kate Colin
Transportation Authority of Marin
Phone: 415-458-3005

Kate Colin is the first female to hold the office of Mayor since the city was incorporated in 1847.  She joined the San Rafael City Council in January 2013 and was a Planning Commissioner the 8 years before that.  She has lived in the Sun Valley neighborhood since 1996 with her husband Jeff where they raised their two children.   

Mayor Kate’s goals for the City include focusing on four key policy areas for 2023 – economic growth, homelessness/housing, sustainability (focusing on wildfire prevention and sea level rise) and social justice. She strongly believes in working with the community to find solutions that reflect our community values as well as partnerships with local residents, businesses and neighborhoods to make San Rafael the best it can be.  

In addition to Kate’s role as Mayor of San Rafael, she is the Chair of the San Rafael Sanitation Agency. She also represents San Rafael on several regional boards including TAM (Transportation Authority of Marin), SMART (Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit), BayWAVE (Bay Waterfront Adaptation Vulnerability Evaluation) and the BCDC Elected Official Task Force (Bay Conservation and Development Commission). She is a strong advocate for gun safety and is the only elected city official consistently participating in the Marin County District Attorney’s Gun Safety Collaborative. Mayor Kate also engages with Mayors across the United States and is a member of the Climate Mayors, Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Mayors for Guaranteed Income. 

Kate has a MBA from Kellogg Graduate School of Management and a BA from Dartmouth College. She is a life-long athlete who is often seen running the trails or cycling through our city streets. 


Victoria Fleming
Sonoma County Mayors' and Councilmembers' Association 

Bio and photo coming soon.


Patty Garbarino
Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District
Phone: 415-485-5648

Patty Garbarino, while serving as president of Marin Sanitary Service, Marin Recycling Center and Marin Resource Recovery Center, blazed a trail as the first woman president of the California Refuse Recycling Council.  Today, Patty is responsible for policy development and implementation and the overall management and oversight of the operations of the company.  Patty also remains directly involved in all aspects of the company’s governmental and community relations as well as the public education program.  Patty has been recognized for her civic and community contributions, including being inducted into the Marin Women’s Hall of Fame, honored with a Women In Business Award for Environmental Service, and Citizen of the Year by the City of San Rafael.


Ariel Kelley
Sonoma County Mayors' and Councilmembers' Association

Bio and photo coming soon.


Eric Lucan
Marin County Board of Supervisors 
Phone: (415) 473-7331

Eric Lucan was elected to the Marin County Board of Supervisors in 2022 representing District 5 which includes the majority of the City of Novato and the unincorporated communities of Bel Marin Keys, Loma Verde, Black Point, Green Point, Rush Creek/Atherton Corridor, and Indian Valley.
Prior to serving on the Marin County Board of Supervisors, Eric served on the Novato City Council for 11 years, with three rotations as Mayor. Eric previously served as a member of the SMART Board in 2012-2014 and 2016-2022 as a City Council appointee. He is a strong advocate for improving and expanding multi-modal public transportation options, and in addition to serving on SMART, Eric serves on the Transportation Authority of Marin Board of Commissioners and the Marin Transit Board of Directors. Eric holds an MBA from Georgia State University. He lives in Novato with his wife Kiley and their two children Noah and Selah. 


Mark Milberg
Transportation Authority of Marin
Phone: (415) 899-8904

Mark was appointed to the Novato City Council in August 2022. He served as Mayor in 2024 and was elected to a four-year term in November 2024, with his current term set to expire in 2028. He represents District 5 on the council. Mark holds a Bachelor of Science in Human Development from UC Davis, a Master of Science in Social Welfare from UC Berkeley, and an MBA from San Francisco State University. His community involvement includes serving on the Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) and Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) Boards, as well as acting as the primary Marin County Council of Mayors and Councilmembers (MCCMC) representative to the League of California Cities, North Bay Division Executive Board. Additionally, he serves on the MCCMC Homeless Committee and the Marin County Community Development Block Grant Priority Setting Committee. Before joining the council in October 2021, Mark was a member of the Novato Citizens Finance Advisory/Oversight Committee, beginning in 2018.


Barbara Pahre
Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District
Phone: (707) 224-7129

In addition to serving on the SMART Board of Directors, Barbara Pahre is second vice president on the Board of Directors for the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District, where she is chair of the Finance-Auditing Committee, and a member of the Transportation Committee, and the Rules, Policy and Industrial Relations Committee. Director Pahre is also a facilitator for the Napa Food Bank/Latinos Unidos Sanctuary Garden. She retired as an associate superintendent for the Napa Valley Unified School District, and is an adjunct professor at Chapman University. She is also a member of the Board of Directors for Connolly Educational Ranch and a member of the Governance Board of Covenant Presbyterian Church. She is immediate past president, Division 65 California Retired Teachers Association, and a former chair of the State Dairy Council Advisory Board and the Napa County Fish and Game Commission. She also served on the City of Napa Open Space Committee, the City of Napa General Plan Review Committee and the City of Napa Civil Service Commission. She has a degree from Iowa State University, a graduate degree from Sonoma State University, and a doctoral degree in education from the University of Southern California.


Gabe Paulson
Marin County Council of Mayors and Councilmembers
Phone: (415) 927-5002

Gabe Paulson has been an active community volunteer for 20 years and joined the Larkspur City Council in 2019.  He had been working in Marin since 1999 and became a Larkspur homeowner in 2010 where he lives with his wife and son.  He joins the City Council planning to engage and give voice to citizen and business concerns, improve fire, flood and earthquake readiness, expand high quality services by collaborating with other agencies and maintain fiscal and operational excellence.

Gabe is the founder and owner of a custom software business which has employed over 30 people and delivered over 200,000 hours of software consulting services. His teams have served the US Coast Guard since 2001 and Marin/Bay Area businesses since 1996.  He originally studied to be a research professor at Princeton (BA physics) and UC Berkeley (MA physics) and taught at both UC Berkeley and Mills College in Oakland.

 In his spare time, Gabe is an avid traveler, guitarist and reader. After visiting 49 countries, he still feels some of his best adventures have been in Marin, for example running the Dipsea Race (five times), cycling the Marin Metric Century, camping and kayaking throughout the county.


David Rabbitt
Sonoma County Board of Supervisors
Phone: (707) 565-2241

Supervisor David Rabbitt was elected in November, 2010 and is serving his second term representing the diverse blend of urban and rural comprising the Second District of Sonoma County. He has served as a Director on the SMART board since 2013. He has served two consecutive terms as Chair of the Board of Supervisors in 2013 and 2014 and is currently Chair Pro Tem for 2017.

In 2017, Supervisor Rabbitt’s regional assignments include the Golden Gate Bridge District, Association of Bay Area Governments, and the North Bay Water Reuse Authority. Supervisor Rabbitt’s countywide assignments include Sonoma County Employee Retirement Association, Sonoma County Transportation Authority/Regional Climate Protection Authority. He was appointed by the Governor to the California Seismic Safety Commission in 2013. Supervisor Rabbitt is an architect, and resides in Petaluma with his wife and three children.